Commitment Quiz Questions
  1. Feeling very angry and irritable won't prevent me from quitting smoking.
  2. I'm willing to put up with whatever discomfort I have to in order to quit smoking.
  3. No matter how difficult it may be, I won't let myself smoke once I quit.
  4. Feeling very depressed or sad won't prevent me from quitting smoking.
  5. I'm not going to let anything get in the way of my quitting smoking.
  6. Feeling very anxious or restless won't prevent me from quitting smoking.
  7. Even if I really want one, I won't let myself pick up a cigarette once I quit.
  8. No matter how much I crave a cigarette when I quit, I'm going to resist the urge to smoke.
Please answer all questions to review your result

You scored % on this scale. This is in the low range.

You scored % on this scale. This is in the low range.

Focus on commitment.

Successful quit attempts take commitment. Think of what your life would look like without tobacco.

You scored % on this scale. This is in the medium range.

You scored % on this scale. This is in the medium range.

Strengthen commitment.

You are on the right track. Thinking about your reasons for quitting can help strengthen your decision to quit for good.

You scored % on this scale. This is in the high range, which is excellent!

You scored % on this scale. This is in the high range, which is excellent!

Committed to quit.

Congratulations! Take action now and continue on your path to becoming tobacco free.